PICP.Secretariat@police.govt.nz or Call: +64 (04) 470 7346

PICP Chair's Award 2024

The PICP Chair’s Award recognises a current member of a National Police Service who has demonstrated exceptional commitment to law enforcement in the Pacific.The award acknowledges outstanding contributions that have positively impacted multiple PICP member countries.


The nominee is a current member of a National Police Service that is a member of the PICP. (‘Member’ refers to both sworn and un-sworn / constabulary and non-constabulary / service and civilian staff).·
> The nominee has demonstrated outstanding service to regional policing in the Pacific.·        
> The nominee has an exemplary police record and are a role model for other police members.·        
> The identified outstanding service carries a "unique", "pathfinding" [1] or “innovative” nature to it.·        
> The identified outstanding service will benefit police members and police services, broader law enforcement and the communities they serve.

The PICP Chair’s Award has a rich history of celebrating remarkable contributions to policing across the Pacific Islands.Refer to the PICP Chairs Award – Information Document for more information.Submit applications using the Nomination Form.
PICP Chair's Award Information
PICP Chair's Award - Nomination Form

[1] This emphasises contributions that break new ground, lead to innovative approaches, and result in positive changes that benefit police members, police services, or their communities.

We work to enhance investigations capability to address
the highest regional crime priorities.

We work to share information and resources faster and more effectively
to better fight crime and respond to emergencies.

We work to identify leadership development opportunities
and improve succession planning.

Ensuring we have a strong workforce in every jurisdiction and sufficient resources
is critical to enable effective policing.